Her memory in the empty house, blows like a breeze through the white curtains, Fiminco Foundation, Romainville, FR
June 3 - July 10th.2022
After eleven months of research, creation and production, our 17 artists will take over the Chaufferie, an exceptional exhibition space, to present their creations initiated and developed during their residency. Conceived as a time for reflection, experimentation and trial, the exhibition reflects their artistic journey.
The exhibition is curated by our curator in residence, Yomna Osman. Under the title “Her memory in the empty house, blows like a breeze through the white curtains”, she proposes a dreamlike stroll that mixes practices, a real suspended time where the works carried out by the artists are confronted and dialogued. The productions imagined for the end-of-residency exhibition are articulated in a common movement that questions space and underlines our relationship to the city and to daydreaming.
“Her memory in the empty house, blows like a breeze through the white curtains”, borrows its title from Ricardo Piglia’s novel, The Absent City. The writer depicts a machine producing endless narratives, haunted by the interpretation of history as an enigma. Through this gesture, we observe the transformation of reality, the distortion of meanings. The exhibition echoes these new visions by presenting multidisciplinary works that highlight the range of contemporary artistic practices.
It invites visitors to wander through an imaginary city imagined by the artists. Organised and constructed for the occasion, each of them develops his or her own cultural living area. In various forms, mediums and practices are revealed, whether hybrid or experimental, they introduce a new relationship to the intimate and the everyday. From their spatial inscriptions emerge cities with protean narratives, individual narratives where views and experiences are combined. From these stories with mythical outlines emerge with force the questionings of a world destabilized by contemporary history.
Through this stroll, seventeen solitary and common reveries are revealed, with works by Agata Ingarden, Ahmad Karmouni, Ali Eyal, Baptist Coelho, Corinna Gosmaro, Gabriel Moraes Aquino, Giuliana Zefferi, Inara Bagirova, Isaac Lythgoe, Ismail Alaoui Fdili, Ittah Yoda, Louise Mervelet, Marina Xenofontos, Mehdi-Georges Lahlou, Winnie Mo Rielly and Yuliaa Lysenko.

Photography by Aurélien Mole